Ann’s Warm Dates Stuffed with Blue Cheese Plus Smoked Salmon and Grapefruit Toasts

Warm Dates Stuffed with Blue Cheese and Almonds are chic appetizers created by my neighbor and talented cook, Ann Ryan-Small. These savory treats were a huge hit when Ann served them one cold winter day at our monthly book club meeting. The saltiness of the cheese and the sweetness of the dates make an irresistible combination. Continue reading

Apricot, Bacon and Blue Cheese Toasts

Okay, if you’re like me, appetizers are the last thing on your mind when planning a Thanksgiving menu. After all, there’s the big bird in the oven, the dressing to tend to, plus all those sides and desserts.

But those little nibbles we offer with glasses of wine do set the tone for the parade of dishes to come. My golden rule: appetizers served on Turkey Day should be simple to make, tasty, and not too filling. Apricot, Bacon, and Blue Cheese Toasts deliver with panache. Continue reading