Looking through some old files on my computer a few weeks ago, I spotted a recipe for Brownie Fudge Pie with Bailey’s Whipped Cream that I created back in 2010. Although I hadn’t looked at the recipe since then, with St Patrick’s Day only a few days away, I decided to showcase this dessert again. It will be the star of a cooking demo I’m doing for “Mass Appeal,” a local midday show aired on our NBC affiliate. And, I’m including it here on my blog post.
It’s an easy confection that looks as if it takes far more time to prepare than the twenty minutes to assemble it and the half hour it needs in the oven. For the crust, a delectable brownie batter, flavored with a hint of coffee and vanilla, is poured into a pie plate and then baked. When done, you simply cover your hands with a kitchen towel and gently push the warm baked mixture into the shape of a pie shell. Once cooled, the shell is filled with a celestial combination of whipped cream, mascarpone, and Bailey’s Irish Cream.
Extra rich and indulgent, this special tart is perfect for Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations and can be prepared a day ahead. If you really want to gild the lily (or the shamrock in this case), you could serve the pie with glasses of Irish coffee on March 17th!
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Brownie Fudge Pie with Bailey's Whipped Cream
8 tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus extra for the pie plate
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
1/2 tsp instant coffee powder
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup flour plus extra for the pie plate
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups heavy or whipping cream
1/2 cup mascarpone, preferably at room temperature
1/2 cup Bailey’s Irish Cream (See note.)
1 ounce bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, shaved or coarsely chopped
1.Arrange a rack at center position and preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour a 9-inch pie plate. In a bowl (set over but not touching) a pot of simmering water, melt 4 tablespoons of the butter, unsweetened chocolate, and instant coffee, stirring constantly, until smooth.
2.With an electric mixer on medium speed (using a paddle attachment if you have one), beat remaining butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Stop mixer to scrape down sides of bowl with a rubber spatula if necessary. Reduce speed to low, and add eggs, one at a time, then beat in chocolate mixture, vanilla, flour, and salt.
3.Pour batter into the pie plate and spread in an even layer with an offset metal spatula or table knife. Bake until a toothpick or tester inserted in the center comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from oven and, while still hot, gently press down against the center of the crust and push out toward the edges to form a pie shell, protecting your fingers by covering them with a kitchen towel. Repeat the process several times, always pressing gently, until you have a shell about 1-inch deep. Cool shell completely, 40 minutes to 1 hour.
4.With an electric mixer on medium high speed, whip cream until soft peaks form. Add mascarpone and whip a few seconds more until mixture starts to thicken. Add the Bailey’s Irish Cream and whip another few seconds to thicken again.
5.Using a rubber spatula, mound the whipped cream into the pie shell, making swirls with the spatula. Sprinkle shaved or chopped chocolate over top of pie. Refrigerate pie, tenting top with foil, at least 3 hours or overnight.
Serves 8
Note:Note: Bailey’s Irish Cream is available in large and small bottles at stores where spirits are sold.
Copyright Betty Rosbottom 2024
Betty, any suggestions to make the crust without flour so I can use for Passover ?
Dear Liz,
For the brownie crust in this pie, you need a firm rather than a fudge-like brownie since you are going to cut it into slices. I have never omitted the flour for this crust, but did find online suggestions for substituting cornstarch for flour (which it said would make fudgy ones). My only other idea would be to make individual portions of your favorite chocolate mousse and add swirls of the Bailey’s Irish Cream whipped cream on top as a garnish. I hope this helps. Best, Betty
Hi Liz,
I just contacted one of our baking teachers at The Baker’s Pin Cooking School. She says you can substitute matzoh meal for the flour. Let me know how that works. Best, Betty