Sunday Brunch Arrives this Week!

I can’t believe it! Sunday Brunch, my newest cookbook, is due to arrive in bookstores this coming week on June 6th. It can also be ordered on Amazon.  Several people–students and friends (who ordered online)– have written that they have already received their copies.
I’ll be writing more about this book and featuring a special recipe from it in a few days on my June website, but for now let me just say that this is a special collection with beautiful photos that features 50 mouthwatering dishes perfect for weekend brunches. You’ll find recipes for every way to cook eggs—poached, fried, scrambled, and souffléed—as well as tempting griddle fare, including irresistible pancakes and waffles. There’s a chapter devoted to sweet breakfast breads, and others that feature light fruit desserts and brunch libations.
I hope you’ll get a chance to stop by your local bookstore and browse through the pages!
Sunday Brunch
Chronicle Books 2012